What Paola Eats:
Paola eats a primarily organic diet of grass-fed meats and organic produce. Her go-to source for AIP menu ideas are:
The Paleo Mom: http://www.thepaleomom.com/the-autoimmune-protocol-aip
(She also frequently goes to Pinterest to find more AIP meals.)
The following is a list of meals Paola and her family ate over one month. Please note that Paola's entire family doesn't always eat Paola's meals, however Paola's goal is to only cook ONE meal a night. Her rotation is as follows:
Day 1: Paola prepares a Paleo AIP meal that the entire family eats. She then saves leftovers.
Day 2: Paola prepares a yummy dish for her family (i.e. gluten free Pasta) and Paola eats leftoers.
Day 3: Paola makes a new Paleo AIP meal that the entire family eats.
Mix and match the following main dishes with side dishes:
1. Main Dish: Zucchini Lasagna: Google it. You will find it everywhere. Instead of using red tomato sauce, I made my own sauce variation (since I can't have tomatoes). I roasted butternut squash and carrots in the oven (30 minutes at 350 or so), blended it in the blender with 2 generous table spoons of coconut cream concentrate, and pourt that here and there as my sauce. I'm going to try topping this off with nutritional yeast as a cheese-substitute. According to Weston A Price: "Look for yeast that has been processed at low temperatures. Yeast does not contribute to candida as has been claimed—candida feeds on refined carbohydrates, not yeast. The late eminent physician Dr. Henry Bieler treated many cases of chronic fatigue with yeast supplements."
2. Side: Roasted mushrooms and green beans from Kaylyn's Kitchen http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2009/01/recipe-for-roasted-green-beans-with.html
3. Main Dish: Roasted Shrimp and Spaghetti Squash from Martha Stewart's website: http://www.marthastewart.com/313375/roasted-shrimp-with-spaghetti-squash?czone=f¢er=276955&gallery=275670&slide=313375
4. Side Dish: Coconut Crusted Cod with Mango Salsa- TO. Die. FOR! I got this recipe from the Paleo Mom. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/05/coconut-crusted-cod-aip-friendly-recipe-by-mickey-trescott.html
5. Treat: Apple Pie Balls: Nut-Free Larabar Wannabes from the Paleo Parents Blog http://paleoparents.com/featured/apple-pie-balls-nut-free-larabar-wannabes/...Tara, I remember you gave me all your Lara Bar's because you thought they were gross...well, if you don't like larabars, then don't try this one. I liked it. A snack of any kind is coveted around my neck of the woods (just me...not the kids...they have options!)
6. Side dish: "Fall in Love with Brussel Sprouts!" on the blog tailgatingtidbits. They were sweet, sticky, and spicy. Almost tasted sinful :)
7. Main Dish: Plain hamburgers with grilled avocados, and some baked sweet potato spread. Use lots of savory seasonings. I just made this one up...saw variations floating online. I wrap my burgers in SEVERAL leaves of lettuce, and I top it off with some home-made probiotic rich sauerkraut.
8. Side dish "Ginger-Garlic Cauliflower Rice" This is from the paleo mom, and my kids/husband wasn't too keen on the ginger, so leave that out if you have silly wimpy eaters like I apparently do.
9. Side Dish: I tried to camouflage the cauliflower the next day by making them into "Cauliflower Tater Tots" by the Paleo Girl's blog: http://www.paleogirlskitchen.com/2011/03/twice-baked-cauli-tots.html I actually think that the tots hold better together when you make them as cauliflower rice first. I think it's a very smart way to use left overs...so double the batch of cauliflower rice, and reuse it the next day.
10. Side Dish: "Simple Cucumber Salad" from the Paleo Mom http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/07/recipe-simple-cucumber-salad.html They have Thai versions of this on the web, which are SUPER SUPER yummy! It's such a light summery cooling salad. Love it.
11. Treat: I can't wait to try these "Chocolate-Chip-Coconut-Macaroons" from Paleo Parents...they actually taste like cookies. Remove the chocolate if you can't tolerate it like me...and I still like them :) I like adding raisins instead. http://paleoparents.com/featured/creamy-chocolate-chip-coconut-macaroons/
12. Side: Sweet Potato Fries. Love it. Google it. Many recipes out there. Mine never come out quite as crispy like fries...makes me want to buy a deep fryer...but I don't know if those would work with coconut oil (Does the oil burn up too quickly because it's not heat tolerant? I don't know...). Anyhow, I make mine with coconut oil, salt, and sometimes some other savory seasonings.
13. Main Dish: Turkey Avocado Roll Ups: Another big big hit at home. Make A LOT, especially if you tend to be a bottomless pit like me. I found my recipe at Avocado Pesto. http://avocadopesto.com/2012/07/04/turkey-avocado-roll-ups/
14: Treat: Watermelon Freeze. I thought this was a very clever, yummy recipe found on the Paleofood website: http://paleofood.com/recipes/frozen-watermelonfreeze.htm. It was originally created by Christina Pirello on Cooking the Whole Foods Way.
15. Main Dish: Pastured Turkey Tenderloin recipe. I haven't made it yet, but it looks pretty good! It was featured on the Paleo Mom website, and was contributed by David of Tendergrass Farms: http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/05/pastured-turkey-tenderloin-recipe-huge-offer-guest-recipe-by-david-of-tendergrass-farms.html
16. Side Dish: Roasted Fennel and Artichoke Hearts: I found this one on Martha's website and am making it tonight! I'm pretty confident it's going to be a winner! Have you ever had fennel bulb? It's pretty awesome. http://www.marthastewart.com/874406/roasted-fennel-and-artichoke-hearts
17. Main Dish: Superfood Salad. I havent' tried this yet, but it looks really healthful and delicious. I think you should maybe try this one if you're a bit brave. I found it on the Paleo Mom website, but it was a guest recipe by Kate Johnson of Eat, Recycle, Repeat. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/05/superfood-salad-guest-recipe-by-kate-johnson-of-eat-recycle-repeat.html
18. Treat: Overnight Apple Breakfast Cobbler. Technically this is a breakfast dish, found on the TGIPaleo blog, but I think it looks more like a dessert. Again, haven't tried it, but who can go wrong with those ingredients?! http://www.tgipaleo.com/2012/07/17/overnight-apple-breakfast-cobbler/
19. Side Dish: Sunday is Fish day at home, and I can promise you that this side dish will go perfectly with a nice Mahi Mahi. It's Strawberry Mango Salsa from the McConkie Menu blog. Check it out...can I hear an AMEN!? http://mcconkiemenu.blogspot.com/2011/04/strawberry-mango-salsa.html
20. Main Dish: Crockpot Honey Apple Pork Loin: Ah. A use for that crockpot I got when I got married and have probably used 12 times in the last 10 years. I found this recipe on the CrossFit + Paleo = A Winning Combination website (the actual website is something like corssfitpaleojourney). Looks delicious, and I just picked up my meat from my farmer today...I'm excited to try it this week! http://mycrossfitpaleojourney.wordpress.com/2012/07/05/crockpot-honey-apple-pork-loin/ Heads up! When you buy pork loin from a farmer, you really mean port TENDERloin...otherwise you'll have on your hands a 13 pound chunk of meat! Good thing the farmer called to double check my order first :)
21. Main Dish: Greek-Inspired Slow Roasted Leg of Lamb. I found this one once again on my beloved Paleo Mom website. Heads up! The prep on this guy involves an overnight seasoning thingy. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/08/recipe-greek-inspired-slow-roasted-leg.html
22. Main Dish: Hawaiian Meatballs...I found these on The Mango Duck blog, and I'm counting days until I can make this one. I've got all the ingredients, and it's coming baby! http://themangoduck.blogspot.com/2011/08/hawaiian-meatballs.html
23. Main Dish: Endive Salmon Poppers- like with the Turkey rolls, you will want to make A LOT of this one, and you'll want to combine it with a hearty side dish. I found this on the Sarah Cupcake website. http://www.sarahcupcake.com/2012/09/endive-salmon-poppers-paleo.html
24. Main Dish: "Coconut Crusted Sweet Potato Salmon Cakes with Apple Rosemary Cream Sauce"...it's paleo, egg-free, and nut free. Ahhh...with a name like that what can go wrong!? I found this one on The Daily Dietribe website. http://www.thedailydietribe.com/2012/09/coconut-crusted-sweet-potato-salmon.html
25. Main Dish: Bacon Wrapped Honey Mustard Chicken Strips" This little gem was found on Jan's Sushi Bar website. And bacon IS healthy for you if you're paleo. Promise: http://www.janssushibar.com/bacon-wrapped-honey-mustard-chicken-strips/
26. Treats: Allergen-Free Pumpkin Pie Recipe: Gluten-free, grain-free, nut-free, sugar-free, dairy-free. It's found on the Allergy Free Menu Planners website. I have my doubts about this pie...but it's worth a try I say http://allergyfreemenuplanners.com/2009/11/20/allergen-free-pumpkin-pie-recipe-gluten-free-grain-free-nut-free-sugar-free-dairy-free/ All I can say is that I'm grateful people out there have the time and passion to experiment with allergy-free foods because there are peeps out there who bless them for it (me!)
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